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Articles tagged "Karen Nystrom"


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Marcia Wagner: The DOL also has an alternative way in which one can be a fiduciary, and this, to me, is slightly disconcerting.

Stealing the FPA show, 'rock star' Marcia Wagner sounds four-alarm fire drill on DOL's onrushing fiduciary rule -- especially one arising from a stumper of a rollover provision

Is there more than one way to be a fiduciary? Yup. Think the rule doesn't apply to your non-401(k) practice and won't affect your fees? Think again, warned the lawyer at the FPA conference in Boston

October 1, 2015 at 9:24 PM

Kevin Keller: We are business-model- and compensation-neutral, but all CFP professionals are required to put client interests ahead of their own.

The once underrespected CFP gets a lift after Merrill Lynch and now NAPFA make it central for newbies

Still, CFP certificants shoot down the idea of making the CEO credits requirements even harder, and fiduciary concerns linger

December 5, 2012 at 7:29 AM

Karen Nystrom: This proposed bill is a big deal to advisors...We hold out hope that our message will be heard.

Avoiding FINRA oversight may depend on talking sense to an options-trading House Republican

Spencer Bachus, known to expertly trade options for his own account, seems to be down with what transactions-based advisors like

April 26, 2012 at 5:37 AM

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