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A $3.4-billion DFA RIA sends his social media presence sky high with a 'Yep, I Built That' strategy

'Street cred' may attract like-minded clients but Mark Matson is also taking a calculated risk with his staunch political stance

Author Kelly O'Mara October 1, 2012 at 4:32 AM
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Mitt Romney (l.) and Mark Matson (r.) share a moment in front of Mitt's campaign jet.

Pat Allen


Gerri Leder


Mark Matson


Matson Money


Mitt Romney

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LederMark Communications

Top Executive: Gerri Leder



October 1, 2012 — 6:26 AM

Every Republican wants every voter to believe he was born in a log cabin he built himself.

How many bridges has the manager in the article built for society?

Nick Naseman

Nick Naseman

October 1, 2012 — 1:34 PM

Principals are what built this great country. We need more people like Mark and his coaches to stand up for what they believe in. Keep it up, you’re a true inspiration!

Blake Rainey

Blake Rainey

October 1, 2012 — 1:37 PM

Great article. It’s high time that we quit hiding behind the curtain of political correctness, doing nothing while the things that we don’t like or disagree with are shoved down our throats. Kudos to Mark Matson for not only having the guts to publicly state his position but also to be able to harness the entrepreneurial spirit in the process. I love the fact that his Yep- I built this! page is introducing him to thousands more people that will also be able to hear the message that free markets work. 3.4 Billion in AUM? He’ll double that in no time!

Matt - Dayton, Ohio

Matt - Dayton, Ohio

October 1, 2012 — 1:42 PM

@ mike the bridges were not “built by government” The bridges were built by private businesses who won government contracts funded by Tax Dollars. This isn’t an argument of what came first the roads or the businesses (egg or chicken).

The point is that the government has done very little, if anything to HELP business succeed.



October 1, 2012 — 1:44 PM

Mike, You are really missing the point. The bottom line is that hard work is what pays off—the opportunity to grow your own business without outside interference. It’s business that will make this country strong again.

lee hyder

lee hyder

October 1, 2012 — 1:45 PM

Mark is one person who tells it like it is and is a great spokesman for the small business owner and free markets. More people need to tune in and listen to Mark. In a day when people measure their opinions by the consequences of their statements it’s great to know u can always count on Mark to tell it like it is!

Matt - Dayton, Ohio

Matt - Dayton, Ohio

October 1, 2012 — 1:48 PM


Nathan OBryant

Nathan OBryant

October 1, 2012 — 1:59 PM

Great article! It think it comes down to what you believe govt does for the people. This country would be a better place if we had more people like Mark Matson.

Paul Drinkhahn

Paul Drinkhahn

October 1, 2012 — 2:05 PM

AMEN. The article hits the nail on the head. The way we as a country will get out of the financial mess we are in is thru unleashing business, not more government.

Mark Matson

Mark Matson

October 1, 2012 — 2:08 PM

Mike – yep the left wants everyone to believe that personal success and growth is not possible in America. Personal stories of people in poverty working hard and being innovative and growing the economy does not fit in with the liberal narrative. The president also said that, paraphrased – people that built their own business believe they are so smart, but there are a lot of smart people out there or that they worked so hard but there are a lot of hard working people out there” in other words if you built a small business there is nothing special about you. This President does not believe that this country is exceptional or that the entrepreneurs that built it are exceptional. But it is a simple fact that everybody has access to roads and school and infrastructure but not everybody creates a successful business that hires people and makes the lives of it customers better. We should champion these people, not denigrate them. Small businesses hire 50% of all people and they are the backbone of this country. Most RIA’s are small businesses that started from nothing.

The article also speaks out about the “risk” of sharing your beliefs about politics. I find this a strange position. As money managers you must deal with economic issues with your clients. These issues will effect the growth, or shrinkage, of the American and global economy as well as the taxes your clients will be forced to pay. Politics is essentially the study of how resources are allocated. When politicians stop talking about economic issues that effect the economy, the market and my clients taxes I will stop talking about politics. It is my job to protect my clients and that includes taking a stand for free markets. And there are some things in life that are more important than money. It is truly a coward indeed that would “keep quite” when the country and his clients were being hurt just so they could line their pockets with money.

I appreciate the article for it’s unbiased approach to the story and I am honored to be covered. If I can spread the news that free markets work, that small businesses are the unsung heroes of this economy and that investment coaches can lead investors to access equities in a prudent way to grow their wealth, my life will be well spent. I stand as a defender of free markets and small business. The truth is the best marketing position to take.



October 1, 2012 — 2:11 PM

Mark Matson is an outstanding individual and great coach to advisors and investors. I attended this “Yep, I Built That” Conference and could not have been more impressed. This country will flourish if people will replace handouts with hard work, replace entitlements with responsibility. The Government must get out of the way of small businesses and let true Capitalism work.

Brad Fike

Brad Fike

October 1, 2012 — 2:18 PM

I think the “Yep- I built this” facebook page is awesome. About time someone steps up to stop these socialistic ideals. This country was built on creating wealth. We are the greatest country to live in, on the planet, because of our self-created wealth!
You go Mr. Matson….as for Ms. Leder, she won’t be doing my marketing anytime soon.

Dennis Duffy

Dennis Duffy

October 1, 2012 — 2:30 PM

Mark Matson is the champion of small business, free markets and free enterprise. He knows that free enterprise it is the best system to help safeguard lasting happiness, promote real fairness and do the most good for the most vulnerable. I am proud to know him and work with him.

Steve Rice

Steve Rice

October 1, 2012 — 2:33 PM

What built this country – from its founding to today – were people who took risks. They risked their time, their hard work and their personal fortunes. Most of all, their risked their futures, and all to make a better future for themselves and their families. An amazing byproduct is that they made a better future for us all. It is disheartening when people forget / revise history to suit their own narrative. Capitalism and free markets unleash potential; government / over-regulation stifle growth and prosperity. It’s proven every time it’s tried.

Daniel Goodwin

Daniel Goodwin

October 1, 2012 — 2:42 PM

To Mike – We cannot support the view of 'adult candyland’ where everything is free in America and to look to government for our provision. We became a superpower because of our unique ideals. Now those who wish to exploit the 'have-nots’ in their personal quest for power want us to look to the wisdom of the European model of socialism. If you do not believe that Government is bloated and inefficient and needs to take a smaller not a larger role in our lives then I am afraid friend for your future.



October 1, 2012 — 2:44 PM

The question is not how many bridges did the entreprenuer build, but why did the entreprenuer pay more for the bridges while using it to build his/her business than the person who used it to go to the movies?

Hey I heard the soviet union was great at building roads and bridges instead of businesses…that worked out well.

And don’t worry, I’m not a republican…they kicked me out when I pointed out how liberal they were.

Brendon Jenks

Brendon Jenks

October 1, 2012 — 2:45 PM

Markets that allow for competition make it possible for bridges to be built by business owners. Government doesn’t build businesses. They should provide a framework for them to compete and thrive within. The United States has done this wonderfully in the past. Let’s keep it that way.

Jeff Mathies

Jeff Mathies

October 1, 2012 — 2:51 PM

Mike- It shocking to me to when I hear of people trying to downplay ones hard work. Although it doesn’t happen very often, it does happen. How do you justify spreading the credit for the success of one person among many people. Is it because you yourself feel obligated to take credit for others hard work? The reality is it’s good that you are bashing the hard workers…. You see, those of us that take the business risks, and employ the vast majority of Americans are the ones that have the largest sphere of influence to guide people, and when we read comments like yours, and comments from Obama, its like throwing gas on a fire. Your negativity actually encourages us to crush your selfish message. I went and looked at this “Yep, I built this” Facebook page, and based on the massive number of people who have “liked” and posted on this page, I would have to say there are many people who agree with me, and disagree with you. You did not build this! Even though you benefit from our hard work in tax revenue, and free market success, you, your neighbor, your family, and your President did not build this!

Tom Diem

Tom Diem

October 1, 2012 — 2:53 PM

I’ve heard some dissenting views circled around the government’s involvement in every single thing that happens. Yes, there is usually some minimal government involvement in our everyday lives. That idea misses big and Mark points to real Main Street people as the success drivers with our American experiment. The government, at best is a facilitator and does not create employment, wealth or tax revenues. The idea that some politician can lay claim to these accomplishments by the people is an insult. American citizens can continue to handle these objectives just fine with minimal government involvement

Bryan - Greenwood, IN

Bryan - Greenwood, IN

October 1, 2012 — 2:54 PM

Awesome article! I love the video, “Honey, You didn’t build that!” Even my kids understand that approach makes no sense. Perhaps some of those in disagreement with Mark should take the time to watch the video. I most certainly agree with Mark’s comments above regarding entrepreneurs: “We should champion these people, not denigrate them.” Small businesses and entrepreneurs are being labeled as villains in most cases in mainstream media, yet our country is in deep deep debt with no plan after 4 years! And we’re the bad guys…I don’t think so. Thanks to a guy like Mark, the correct message is getting out there.

John Shipley

John Shipley

October 1, 2012 — 2:56 PM

What kind of social media 'expert’ would think there is a risk in taking a strong conservative position when your client base (financial advisors and small business owners) is one of the most conservative demographics in America? If he was vocally supporting Obamacare, or Scientology, or satan worship, now that would be a risk.

Jimmy Moock

Jimmy Moock

October 1, 2012 — 2:57 PM

I’ve had the pleasure of working for and with Mark since 2009. It’s been an eye opening, welcomed experience to have a client that has an opinion AND is willing to share it. Kudos to him for standing up for his beliefs and screaming them from the e-mountaintops. If this doesn’t serve as a reminder to others in the industry to voice their own opinions, what will?

Dr Josh Helman

Dr Josh Helman

October 1, 2012 — 2:57 PM

What a great article!!! The comments about risk I found amusing: of course Mark took a risk with the idea, but I think it would be far riskier for Mark not to stand up for entrepreneurs, creators and inventors.

Matt Adams

Matt Adams

October 1, 2012 — 3:03 PM

The “Yep, I Built This” page is a great cause! It is very inspirational to get on there and read the stories shared by other small business owners. Thanks for doing this, Mark! You are providing a wonderful platform for all of us to stand up and have a voice with like minded individuals around this great country, especially at a time when many small business owners feel under attack by this administration. I am honored to call Mark Matson my friend and coach!

Justin Makris

Justin Makris

October 1, 2012 — 3:06 PM

The “Free Market” is what built this country. It’s what help stabilize us through hard times, and it is what will bring us out of this economic environment the US is in today. A Free Market Society have not only blessed the US but other countries around the world as well.

We need more people like Mark and his coaches to stand up for Free Markets societies. It does not matter what your political beliefs may be, but everyone must know and accept that with time Free Markets work, they always have, and that will never change.

God Bless you Mark.

John Choi

John Choi

October 1, 2012 — 3:07 PM

Entrepreneurs have been building business long before bridges were even built. Charles Manson and John Gacy had teachers. Liberals are missing the point…it’s not a great teacher or a superhighway that lead people to success. It’s initiative, hard work, and dollars put at risk that build businesses. I love teachers and they deserve the utmost respect and admiration but to credit my teachers for my personal success would be as unfair as to condemn them for my classmate being in prison right now for first-degree murder. I’ve got news for liberals. It’s not about our environment or government assistance. It’s about our us and our personal responsibility and choices that make us who we are. The greatest thing the government can ever do for entrepreneurs is to stay out of our way and leave us alone.

My wife and I stay up well past midnight on most nights building our business. We wake up most mornings before the sun does. For Barack Hussein Obama to say that we didn’t build our business is a slap in our (and our fellow entrepreneurs’) face. To say that the government built our business is to negate all the sleepless and stressful nights she had to endure during medical school. To say that government built our business is to sweep aside the fact that entrepreneurs take an incredible amount of personal risk to pursue the American dream. To say that government built our business is to belittle the fact that entrepreneurs put blood, sweat, and tears into their business. We need to build up more entrepreneurial spirit, not more bridges. When our President has this mentality, Is it any wonder that our country is in the shape that it’s in?



October 1, 2012 — 3:07 PM

As an owner of two businesses, neither of which received an Obama bailout, I could not believe a President of the United States would say such a thing. Obama has never started a business, never made a payroll, and believes government should tax and regulate small business out of existence. Keep on telling it like it is, Mark!!!

Frank Lehane

Frank Lehane

October 1, 2012 — 3:08 PM

The very spirit in which Mark Matson launched the, 'Yep I built this’ campaign is the same that attracted me to and ultimately caused my business alignment to the cause of Free Markets. We as an industry would do well to step out from behind the characteristic complacency Wall Street has become known for and speak the truth boldly and unashamedly.

John Vucicevic

John Vucicevic

October 1, 2012 — 3:11 PM

Our government does not build anything. It is Americans who do. Americans not only build the bridges but they paid for them. The inspiration of those who stand up for what is true, right and Amercain is how our country has grown to its greatness. People like Mike are in the way and enablers of those Americans who would rather not work hard or expend the energy to learn how to build and pay for the next bridge that is needed by everyone, not just businesses.



October 1, 2012 — 3:22 PM

Way to go Mike. If more people would stand up and support the good that they believe in America would be much stronger. Kuddos to you for taking a stand. Romney/Ryan 2012!!!

Shelly Brown

Shelly Brown

October 1, 2012 — 3:25 PM

Mark Matson is TRULY a GREAT American. The government has NEVER successfully, profitably run anything. Private sectors is what will keep America prosperous. Limit government and America will see unprecedented growth.

Edna Emrick

Edna Emrick

October 1, 2012 — 3:26 PM

We build our own lives, and the less government intrusion, the better! The greatest quote of all times comes from Ronald W. Reagan. “I’m From the Government and I’m Here to Help.”



October 1, 2012 — 3:27 PM

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” I think that was said by a Democrat. Now this Democrat President wants it the other way around. I don’t think Kennedy could be elected today in his own party.

Great article and great that someone is standing up and shouting out their position without regards to his own wallet. If more people would take a stand instead of taking a poll, our country would be far better off. I for one love sticking it out there. If clients want to get advice from a socialist, so be it.

Deborah Caldwell

Deborah Caldwell

October 1, 2012 — 3:31 PM

I applaud you! It takes courage to stand up for what you believe! I have long thought that the American people have absconded their rights to the Government too many times. It’s high time that we take back our rights and stand up for what “we the people” means. It means we are the ones who made this country what it is, we are the ones who built the roads, the infrastructure and we are the ones who created the Government…remember 'for the people, by the people’?
We need to let the Government know we will not give them credit for what we have done and pull up our britches, put on our work gloves and get busy making America great again.



October 1, 2012 — 3:35 PM

Great article and I have enjoyed everything I have seen from Mark Matson, especially the Popsicle stick parody. I personally think the speech in which Obama denigrated small business owners and tried to preach a collectivist/socialistic philosophy (in his oh-so arrogant manner) and told Americans that none of us is special or gifted or deserves our success will be his downfall.



October 1, 2012 — 3:36 PM

Personally I found the comment about risk somewhat amusing… but for a different reason. While I don’t agree with Mark Matson’s political position on some of the issues discussed in this article I find it amusing that someone would allow that to cloud their judgement on utilizing his skill and knowledge. Numbers don’t lie… 3.4 Billion in advised assets, he must be doing something right.

I also encourage anyone who is skeptical of his approach to watch the Mark Matson Live! show on Tuesday’s at 3:00 PM EST. If you don’t agree with his political position just look past that and listen to the scientific and highly educated approach to investing.

One of the true foundations of the United States of America is freedom of speech. With that comes freedom to disagree. I don’t agree with Mr. Matson politically… but that doesn’t stop me from understanding or appreciating his approach to investing and free markets.

Alfie Tounjian

Alfie Tounjian

October 1, 2012 — 3:39 PM

Mark’s a leader, it’s so nice to see someone in his position to stand up for his true conviction. I back him 100%.

Jean Wilson

Jean Wilson

October 1, 2012 — 3:40 PM

If Obama had used the stimulus dollars by sending the money to ordinary people to pay off mortgages, make home repairs, start businesses, etc. instead of giving it to other countries and his cronies who donated to his election campaign it might have done some good instead of being wasted.

Hank Parrott-Brentwood, Tn.

Hank Parrott-Brentwood, Tn.

October 1, 2012 — 3:40 PM

Talk about the 'tail wagging the dog’, many in our government seem to have forgotten their job description, which is to serve the people who elected them and pay them. That includes our President. You sir, are to be a good steward of the tax dollars we provide, it is our money and we are entrusting it to you to assure good value to us in how it is used. Small business provides tax dollars directly paid by it’s principals as well as through those we hire. It is those tax dollars that pay for whatever services government provides, and it is the building of those businesses that provide the opportunity to hard working people to advance, be rewarded, possibly start their own businesses, and in either case provide a better standard of living and quality of life for themselves and their families. However modest my business may be, I did build it, and I did it by serving my clients to the best of my ability. Placing their interests ahead of my own and with a team behind me committed to doing the same. Mark gets that and I salute his integrity. Those elected to serve us could learn a great deal from his example.

Sherry Schlegel

Sherry Schlegel

October 1, 2012 — 3:48 PM

Great article! Thank you for speaking up for American values and what our Founding Fathers intended for this country. We have a huge fight on our hands to take back our beloved America and you, our Patriot Friend have made your mark…. YOU BUILT THAT!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your efforts in getting this accomplished.

Curtis Erickson

Curtis Erickson

October 1, 2012 — 3:50 PM

I being a small business owner am thrilled with the response Mark Matson is receiving with taking a position on this issue. Taking a position publicly takes courage. I do not look at this as a political issue but a philosophy. I live in a 2/3 democratic party city and have many small business clients(many democrats) who have built their business with sweat, sleepless nights and struggles to make payroll. Of course employees, infrastructure and suppliers help make a business successful but the owner who built or bought the business made the decision at some point to invest and take the risk. Its a similar analogy to buying a house; the builders, mortgage provider and the roads provided the infrastructure, but the investor put money down, assumed a massive future property tax future liability(which supports schools, roads, etc…), mortgage interest and future maintenance uncertainties with no guarantee of a future return on investment. If investors did not buy houses no more houses will be built, no future roads will be built. Its the same with the business owner, going into business is a risk that rarely pays off. But when it does succeed look at all the taxes, employments, other businesses that decision supports. My favorite line in the movie Field Of Dreams “build it and they will come.”

Doni Juarez

Doni Juarez

October 1, 2012 — 3:52 PM

One point which I have seen pop up throughout all of this is that those roads and bridges, which the government provided for the businessman to succeed, were paid for by that businessman and every other citizen. The government can not do anything without the financial support of the businessman. So guess what Mr. President, the government can not take credit for building anything!

Dale Pieper

Dale Pieper

October 1, 2012 — 3:55 PM

Mark is an incredible business owner and leader. He is not afraid to take a stand, and this is what this country needs.



October 1, 2012 — 3:55 PM

Maybe Mark didn’t build that bridge, but where do you think the Gvt got the money to build it? from small businesses paying taxes and putting Americans to work…Yep, I built my business..

Val Groce

Val Groce

October 1, 2012 — 3:56 PM

I can say that as a small business owner, that I’ve never worked so hard in my life. It was a huge character building experience for our whole family, learning the difference between wants and needs as we lived on next to nothing just starting out. We did without things that others were getting for nothing. We had too much pride and drive to go there. That’s definitely NOT what the current administration is about and you’re damned right I built that!

Shayna Robinson

Shayna Robinson

October 1, 2012 — 3:58 PM

I find it interesting that by taking out loans on his credit card he hasn’t used “help.” The fed backing the banks that allow the credit card companies to offer said credit allowed him to start his business.

Beyond that, he is a money manager—meaning he traded others money to make a profit. This is a pretty easy business to build, FYI. You don’t have to be a genius to take advantage of tax loopholes and grow your business further. Maybe he feels disgruntled because his business may have suffered due to the crash of the stock market, however, I wouldn’t blame my businesses downfall (or credit the success) to the current president. He wasn’t even in office when the crash occurred…. He did allow stabilization to occur however, and that grew the market back to 13k.

Bill Bakan

Bill Bakan

October 1, 2012 — 4:00 PM

“The Physics of Life” I like to call them, it takes three legs to make a stool, water flows down hill, and nature is constantly seeking “balance” from chemistry to the social sciences to the world of finance. These are the forces entrepreneurs act upon and influence to create wealth and opportunity for all. We “see things” that others do not but beyond that we act upon that vision. Hard work is not enough unless it is blended with risk and intelligent vision. A bicycle is a only tripod unless someone is willing to ride it but riding it off a cliff is not good either. But ridden well it they can take you places you otherwise could not go or at least not as fast. For some they help fulfill what makes life worth living beyond what we must do just to live.

A historically large portion of our population is “generationaly removed” from the physics of life and many gov’t programs insulate many from understanding the difference between what they “want” and “need”. My folks grew up in the Great Depression, (not this past thing that overextended underemployed people lost things). They taught me clear lessons that while simple, serve me well no matter how difficult the “problem” (opportunity I do not yet understand) I face.

We operate a vertically integrated diverse agriculturally based business. I was honored to even grace the “I built this” fb page with our pumpkin cannon. Maybe people I know saw the pic and post and commented on the fact that I built the cannon, but they missed the point. The cannon represents “how we roll” in respect that for us it was not going to get our business to the place we wanted it be by just selling pumpkins. We built a machine that launches them to the skies. I serves as a metaphor for the overall business that we have built beyond just the welded steel, bolted flanges and overall show we have built around it.

Thank you Mark for taking a stand. No I did not build the road leading up to our business but we paid for it, we paid our share. We pay taxes, fees, assessments. We have foregone raises and vacations so we could make payroll. We have mortgaged our house to pay operating loans and when the value increases we get rewarded with higher property taxes. We build things, grow things, sell things, create things, yes with a plan but really no idea how well it will turn out. Thank you Mark once again as I hope others follow in our footsteps.

Ron - Ohio

Ron - Ohio

October 1, 2012 — 4:03 PM

WOW! Great Article. I can’t believe that a media source would actually put this out. I am so used to the media bashing small businesses and free enterprise I expect only negative.

I support what Mark has said 100%. I get irate when someone tries to downplay my sacrifice. I did not see them taking care of my family while I worked late hours and worked 3 jobs while I started my business from scratch. No-one paid my bills or met any of my obligations. Roads and schools did not “help” me. I had no teacher that influenced me in any way (unless you think that my 11th grade English teacher teaching me to be an alcoholic counts). My college professor of business was a bankrupt business owner. This helps me how? If roads and schools were all it takes then how did the original settlers do it?

Quit complaining about how tough it is. I worked 3 jobs because one did not pay enough. SO WHAT!!! You can be a success too if you will get off your butt and stop relying on others. We need to get rid of Medicaid, unemployment, and all other handout programs – all it produces is lazy people that feel like they deserve something for nothing.

If socialized medicine and others are so great, why do all of the other countries of the world prefer ours over theirs. Every other country I have visited envy ours and our system of how free enterprise works and thrives and make life better for everyone. Stop burying your head in the sand and wake up!



October 1, 2012 — 4:06 PM

I was just as appalled as the next small business entrepreneur was when these words were uttered. We do build our businesses… And if we want to credit everyone else for the successes of a few, then we have a “social problem” folks. I, as a small business person, who could not survive the economic woes of the Space Coast, would like to know… If the government built my business… or created the infrastructure to enable my business to be successful, then who takes the credit for it when it doesn’t survive such a drastic implosion of the economic downturn? I did. I became one of the 16,000 people in my area that is now unemployed. I will not be counted however, because in order to keep my business afloat for such a long period of time, I didn’t take a paycheck… How many others would be willing to do that in order to survive? I am entering another chapter in my life. I am working hard to find another way to survive this crisis in my life… I am not, and will not ask for Government support. I will get out there and create or build a new life. That’s what makes this Country SO GREAT!

I love the principle of FREE MARKET. While some people “hate rich people” and their successes… I admire them for building their own futures. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness… But you gotta work for it. Nothing in this life is free!!!! Absolutely Nothing.

Rebecca Taylor

Rebecca Taylor

October 1, 2012 — 4:12 PM

Thank you for encouraging all entrepreneurs and for giving us a place to gather. Hard work, focus and dedication DO pay off. Keep BUILDING!



October 1, 2012 — 4:13 PM

Most business owners are willing to do ANYTHING to survive. ANYTHING… Most employees would NEVER give up their paychecks to keep their jobs (it’s actually illegal for an employer to ask an employee to do it)... most don’t even want to, or are willing to, give up the benefits that their employers provide… They are EXPECTATIONS that these things are part of their contribution… and yet some are the first ones to holler when something goes awry. Those voices you hear saying “we didn’t build our businesses”??? Those would be these folks… Hence Wisconsin!.. Small Business folks make sacrifices for what they have… just sayin…

Margaret Lisiecki

Margaret Lisiecki

October 1, 2012 — 4:14 PM

It reminds me of the childhood story of “The Little Red Hen.” The Little Red Hen asked everyone to help collect items to make the bread and everyone said, “no” (so the Little Red Hen put it on her credit cards). When it came time to eat the bread, they all wanted a piece. Each person reaps the reward of their work at the time they sell their products or are paid for their labor. That is how, “they helped build this.”

buzz holtvluwer

buzz holtvluwer

October 1, 2012 — 4:19 PM

It is a big deal that wwe all take pride in what we have done

Bill Mullen

Bill Mullen

October 1, 2012 — 4:22 PM

Mark Matson is one of the only people in the investment industry who tells it like it is. When I met Mark in December of 2008, I was searching for the answer of how I could have been a better advisor to my clients. Mark supplied that answer. It is an answer that the Wall Street Brokers don’t want investors to know. The answer-returns come from the market not from the manager. I changed my business model because of Mark.

Mark’s message when he appears on TV is always the same. He does not prognosticate, he does not forcast, he does not pick stocks, he educates. The article about Mark should be about his investment philosoph; how he has saved investors, coaches advisors, and how he stands up to the Wall Street Bullies-not about his politics. But then again it is election season.



October 1, 2012 — 4:25 PM

I find Matson’s position to be courageous.He has no reservation telling the truth. Funny that the rest of us do. I was mentored to set a standard of behavior within your business, that the truth shall set you free and to thine own self be true. Mark lives that everyday. Refreshing!

Oonly Bonly

Oonly Bonly

October 1, 2012 — 4:25 PM

Start from Zero. Work many 18 hour days. Work weekends. Keep customers happy. Hell, yes I built this!

Zack Shepard

Zack Shepard

October 1, 2012 — 4:26 PM

This is a great feature. I am curious as to why taking a stand in favor of free markets and small business in America a huge risk? Who doesn’t agree (besides the president) that both things are good for the country and how real wealth is created? More than 108,000 (growing) people stand with free markets and small business. There certainly is power in the truth!

Rhonda McGrail

Rhonda McGrail

October 1, 2012 — 4:30 PM

Love the article. Can the current President tell me I didn’t build my business, NO, I had to be diognosed with Cancer to come up with what I do, I don’t think he wants to walk in my shoes. but I have grown, I have learned, I have an understanding of what other Chemotherapy patients need and I am here to help them. I do not expect any great rewards. As a matter of fact, I don’t make a dime. I am a not-for-profit and beginning to try to become a non-profit but the Government wants a lot of my money which I don’t have to do this. but I’m still trying to find a cure. 'I BUILT” coversforchemo.com. I did this to pay it forward. Something Mr President doesn’t understand.



October 1, 2012 — 4:40 PM

This page and the message behind it is a very direct and necessary rebuttal to the (yet another) slap in the face the Divider In Chief has issued to all Americans. Just because HE has not built anything, and managed to rise purely on the backs and coat-tails of others does not mean that the infrastructure and businesses large and small were not created by hard work and dedication – from individuals, teams and collaborations alike. Yes, Obama – we DID build that… all of that… everything you see, do and use every day. Do not take what the people of this great land have earned away from them and give it to other like-minded individuals as yourself who simply want to ride high on the hog thanks to the work of everyone else.

Allison Metcalf

Allison Metcalf

October 1, 2012 — 4:46 PM

Small businesses DID BUILD THAT. As others pointed out, our taxes funded what the government “built” through private companies on contract. I have one thing to say to President Obama, his administration and those on the “left” who support them: lead, follow or GET OUT OF THE WAY. Preferably the latter.

Mark Lloyd

Mark Lloyd

October 1, 2012 — 4:48 PM

The economic future of our country is dependent on the success of small businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit of main street. When the government has you hand cuffed due to future higher taxes and over regulation (health care), that stops progress in it’s tracks. I applaud Mark Matson for not being afraid to keep it real and share his thoughts. Amen

Evan Barnard

Evan Barnard

October 1, 2012 — 4:48 PM

Let me start by saying “Congratulations” to Kelly O’Mara for writing an article that actually resembles what journalists used to turn out regularly back in the day. In reading it I frankly can’t determine what his/her political persuasion is, or whether or not they even agree with Mark’s strategy. Good info and I would say accurate, kudo’s – seriously.

By way of commentary, I think it interesting that someone speaking the truth and taking a stand on a conservative (or pro free market) issue is news worthy. Having known Mark for years, personally and profesionally, this is certainly nothing new in principle – he has always said what was on his mind. The difference now is that with social media the potential reach of someone’s comments can quickly measure in the hundreds of thousands. Something I tell my teen age children (whenever they will listen) is to live their lives as if they are being recorded, and not to do or say anything they wouldn’t want posted on youtube or facebook and seen by all of their friends.

Clearly when you take a stand you run the risk of alienating a certain portion of the free market, and they might do business elsewhere. Isn’t that by definition what the free market should be? Used to in economics class we discussed using our “dollar vote” in the economy. You don’t hear that much anymore. While this article and many of the comments are specifically addressing the political risk being taken by supporting the candidate most likely to promote and expand free markets, businesses make these decision every day with their product lines, charitable donations, PR campaigns etc. That is what makes the free markets work. Neither party enters into a transaction by compulsory means – I choose to do business in a certain manner and my client (or any consumer of a product) decides to trade some of the results of their effort for the benefits I can provide them.

To me, the risk of what happens when people DON’T take a stand is greater than the risk of offense when you DO take a stand. Keep promoting free markets – “Yep, I Built That!”

Jim - Michigan

Jim - Michigan

October 1, 2012 — 4:55 PM

Great defense of the American way! Work smart and hard and prosper. All these government entitlements are making too many Americans greedy for handouts. Way to stand up for us business owners Mark!

Jim Wood

Jim Wood

October 1, 2012 — 5:04 PM

The whole idea that people should be “quiet” about their beliefs is disturbing. A person doesn’t have to beat people over the head with their beliefs but shouldn’t they stand for something? Where does it stop? Too many times going along to get along is a slippery slope to horrible outcomes. If you have convictions you should be able to articulate them without alienating reasonable people. To me, that extra dollar you earn for burying your beliefs is selling a little piece of your soul. As for the argument that Mr. Matson didn’t build bridges by himself so his argument is wrong, that is just nonsense. Infrastructure comes from pooled community resources that the governement manages. Everyone has access to those resources to use to their best ability and create whatever they can. Some, like Mr. Matson, create busineses that provide jobs and benefits for others. Everyone also has access to clay and to paint but only great artists can take those items and create a masterpeice.

Greg Brown

Greg Brown

October 1, 2012 — 5:22 PM

Mark Matson is right! Most of humanity’s greatest moments, under God, have been during times of freedom, free markets and forward thinking — many still consider it progress and prosperity. Personally, in building past businesses, my family and I have experienced 2 tremendous successes and 5 tumultuous failures. In fact, with each commercial attempt, the project’s cost everything my family had in terms of sacrificing: time, talents and treasure. Question: If our successes are not a result of the cost of us building it (and we did build it); then who exactly should we credit in sharing the catastrophic costs of all the failures along the way. That’s right, nobody! There was no one else that made sacrifices or shared the painful costs of not succeeding; but, as usual, there are many who wish to take credit for the glory of our successes. Well guess what? Too late! All the glory belongs to God; and we are thankful to be part of the program and blessings that success can bring. Remember “...one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” It works…

Rick Ormes

Rick Ormes

October 1, 2012 — 5:32 PM

Thank you Mark for leading the way for small business in America. Hard work and dedication to your values are the keys you have demonstrated to all of us that know you and inspire us daily in the challenges of our small business.

Tim Rosen

Tim Rosen

October 1, 2012 — 5:35 PM

As this country was founded on the backs of Risk Takers, I agree that it is a good idea to take such risks; to be diplomatic and clear about what you stand for. In doing so, you will attract like-minded individuals and turn- off those with opposing views. It’s actually an effective filter as its difficult to coach an Investor about Free Markets if they are against Free Market Capitalism

Greg Black

Greg Black

October 1, 2012 — 5:56 PM

Taking a stand for free markets and small business is taking a stand with the greatest minds in history. How is that a risk? If someone really disapproves of a stand on capitalism, is that someone who you would want to work with throughout a 20 year period of time?

Huge props to Matson for his unequivocal voice for free markets and capitalism!

Elmer Rich III

Elmer Rich III

October 1, 2012 — 5:57 PM

“The US presidential election is no contest”
New Scientist – 01 October 2012 by Jim Giles

Don’t believe the US presidential opinion polls. Barring a political earthquake, Barack Obama will be re-elected at a canter

FROM tabloids and broadsheets to left-leaning blogs and conservative talk shows, the US media has been united on one point in recent months: the presidential election is too tight to call. The difference between the candidates is “razor thin”, The New York Post said recently. The “race remains close”, agreed The Washington Post. According to The New York Times it is “widely expected to rest on a final blitz of advertising and furious campaigning”.

But it takes just a few clicks to go from that last article to one that tells a very different story – one much more in keeping with what science tells us about the election. The New York Times hosts FiveThirtyEight, a blog by statistician Nate Silver dedicated to crunching electoral numbers. It gives the Republican challenger Mitt Romney a 1-in-4 chance of victory. Over at PredictWise, another source of political forecasts, Romney’s odds are only a shade better. The race isn’t close or razor-thin or dependent on advertising. It is President Obama’s to lose – something that readers are rarely told.

...at websites like the Iowa Electronic Markets, where investors buy and sell futures in the two candidates. The return on these contracts is based on who wins and by how much, so prices reflect the traders’ collective confidence in each candidate. Obama’s shares have recently been trading at two to three times the price of Romney’s.

...If the models are robust, and their predictions strongly in favour of Obama, why are we being told that the race is a dead heat? I think it is partly a cultural issue. Earlier this year I wrote a story about election forecasting for a British publication. The science editor liked it, but a colleague on the politics desk vetoed the piece, in part because he simply didn’t believe the forecasts. I can see why. The hurly-burly of day-to-day politics is filled with dramatic events, like the recent leaked video of Romney talking in unvarnished terms about voters he cannot hope to win over. These events make the race feel like a roller-coaster ride.

The truth, as revealed by the science, is much more prosaic. Obama is way ahead and has been for ages. ...The race is not tight, and the only honest approach is to say so. “




October 1, 2012 — 5:58 PM

As the employee of a small business owner I have seen the hard work, long hours, dedication and personal sacrifices my employer has made to keep his staff during the economic downturn. I am appreciative every day to have a boss I admire and a job I enjoy. Thank you to all small business owners for taking the risk to keep the rest of us employed! Yep, you built that.

Michelle Matson

Michelle Matson

October 1, 2012 — 5:59 PM

For twenty years, Mark has been a champion for entrepreneurs, free markets, and integrity. They are the principles that he used to build a successful company; and they are the type of convictions that our country was founded on. Freedom and opportunity are not a guarantee of success, but the ability to choose how you will pursue the life you want. Small business owners understand that and are willing to take the risk… they are champions of the American Dream and spirit. Mark is an example of an entrepreneur who is steadfast and consistent in his convictions, and he’s not willing to compromise his beliefs for what’s popular – that’s called leadership.

John Borger

John Borger

October 1, 2012 — 6:18 PM

It is all about individual choices. You can have the same type of business on the same road built by private enterprise and paid for by taxpayers, and one person will do better because they work harder and have better ideas. They may have even had the same teachers growing up. The business was built by the individual, not the government. The government takes from individuals. While government has a role to play, it does not build businesses.

Mark coaches hundreds of advisors, some more successful than others. While he plays a role, I don’t think he would claim to have built any of the advisor’s businesses. Nothing is built without the individual, which starts with free market capitalism.

Laura Rauch

Laura Rauch

October 1, 2012 — 6:28 PM

We all know how the socialist mind thinks you are not capable of doing anything without the governments help which is really so sad with that kind of thinking the things we wouldn’t have today are too numerous to mention.

Mike Lanway

Mike Lanway

October 1, 2012 — 6:59 PM

Mark Matson has built quite a few bridges for others, me included, bridges to investment science, to investor success, and to investing peace of mind, which we all need these days. He has provided me with an education on investing that was non-existent in my CFP studies and my Series 6 & 7 studies, non-existent in my broker-dealer relationships, and non-existent in my investment companies relationships. I was dismayed to constantly find that, in the broker world, the strategy is to keep reps and investors in the dark and make us think that sales material and market timing is all we need. Mark sheds the light: on investment science, on investing with confidence and peace of mind, and in my case, on building two businesses. While I don’t always agree with his take on politics, Mark has my full backing because he tells it like he sees it, because you never have to wonder where he stands, and just importantly, because he always stands up for me.

Jerry & Phyllis Wordhouse

Jerry & Phyllis Wordhouse

October 1, 2012 — 7:05 PM

It seems that we can all agree about the outrage we feel regarding Obama’s “you didn’t build that” philosophy. There is a larger question here, which is hinted at in the article. In this article, several experts discuss the business risks of speaking out against this false doctrinaire belief. The belief that someone else built my business runs counter to our foundational democratic principles. The larger question is… what are we to do?

Mark has taken the lead with his courageous and unselfish willingness to speak up, not only to his immediate circle of friends but by using a public forum to do so. This involves great personal and financial risk, but if we are unwilling to speak out we will continue to repeat the lessons and mistakes that history teaches us. So I would hold up Mark, Dennis Duffy, John Choi and the many others who have spoken up in this and other public forums as heroes.

Let us listen to the words from a Nazi submarine Captain who was a close friend and confidant of Hitler. In time he became an anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran Pastor. Because of his rejection of Hitler and Nazism he spent years in a concentration camp, sentenced to life imprisonment by Hitler himself.

He wrote “In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then…..they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.” His name was Martin Niemoller. He spent the rest of his life in regret of his earlier silence.

Now it might be said by some of you, that to compare the events in Germany in the 30’s to today in the United States is a stretch. We disagree. What we are faced with, at this point in our history, is a clear attack on the free enterprise system which is at the bedrock of our economic system. John Smith had it right when after landing at Jamestown, he declared that “He that doth not work shalt not eat”.

Let’s illustrate by condensing an apologia from none other than Senator George McGovern, an extreme liberal Democrat, published in the December 1993 issue of Inc. magazine. He opens as follows: “Calvin Coolidge was too simplistic when he observed that “the business of America is business.” He went on to write “But like most sweeping political statements, even Coolidge’s contains some truth—-enough as I’ve learned to make me wish I had known more firsthand about the concerns and problems of American business people while I was a U.S. Senator and later a presidential nominee. That knowledge would have made me a better legislator and a more worthy aspirant to the White House.”

He goes on to explain that after retiring from Congress and buying the Stratford Inn Bed & Breakfast, in Connecticut, he was forced to close the Inn. He was required to comply with government regulations, which he had earlier supported and now could not afford, which came into force because of the transfer of ownership. He gave up after two years at the loss of 60 jobs in the community. He closes with the following, “But what about the 60 people who worked for me in Stratford? While running my struggling hotel, I never missed a payroll. What happens to the people who counted on that income, to their families and community? Those questions worry me and they ought to worry all of us who love this country as a land of promise and opportunity.”

Can we now remain silent? We think not!

Tina Blenn

Tina Blenn

October 1, 2012 — 7:15 PM

My husband and I started with an idea. That idea came from a rooted desire to create a thriving, growing business; that was OUR idea, OUR dream. We have developed on our own cash, very lean at times, into the business that we knew was possible. After Obama came into office, within 2 years we were downsized 60%. He suffocates business with regulations, taxation and government. Our business will survive and thrive again, no thanks to the Obama administration. But thanks to the tenacity of my husband and me. We will get the last punch in and we will not only survive it, we will thrive! America needs to open our eyes, step up to the plate and swing for the bleachers. America is still the land of opportunity, you just have to stand up and take it. God Bless America!!

John Shipley

John Shipley

October 1, 2012 — 7:25 PM

Tina – what Obama regulations and taxes caused your business to shrink 60% in two years?

Elmer Rich III

Elmer Rich III

October 1, 2012 — 7:36 PM

Let’s observe that all the comments on this post represent one side of the political spectrum. Interesting, but not representative of the society in whole since Obama is going to be reelected. Are advisors at one end our society’s political beliefs? Wonder why there is no diversity in the voices?

Someone mention Mark and “investment science.” This is a topic of decades of study, for us. Would love to hear more.

Steve Rainey

Steve Rainey

October 1, 2012 — 7:40 PM

Great article !!!! One of the things I appreciate so much about Mark Matson is that he is a man of strong character and has the courage of his convictions !!!
Extremely proud to be one of his coaches !!! And yes , we ARE building this !!!!

Lance S

Lance S

October 1, 2012 — 8:26 PM

Funny how people blast a guy who is supporting small business, just because he does not share your political views. This man is for the 'little man’ who is the bedrock of our country and economy. Thank God!

Brooke Southall

Brooke Southall

October 1, 2012 — 8:38 PM


I think the lack of diversity of voices relates to the fact that this is a touchy subject and that everyone reads what everyone else says through a political lens. For instance, the one voice in this article with a whiff of dissent was Gerri Leder’s and a commenter said that he wouldn’t do business with her as a result of her views. Gerri is a small business owner who … 'built that’ consulting firm. Nobody stepped in to defend her and I’m afraid it may have chilled the conversation.

I also look at these comments in the context of having started up and struggled with RIABiz to get it to the point where it’s a going concern. I am in the fortunate position of being an entrepreneur writing for mostly other entrepreneurs. The result is that my struggles have been appreciated and, if anything, I have been given way too much credit. I might be much more sensitive to people not noticing how hard it is to start a business if I didn’t have such a natural support group.

But whenever I’m feeling a little too good about myself, I get nervous and take to heart Lao Tzu who wrote in the Tao Te Ching, “the words of truth are always paradoxical.”

Entrepreneurs should, in my opinion, support and even celebrate each other — but with humility. I have friends who are teachers, lawyers and even government employees who work crazy hours. And not everyone was cut out to be entrepreneurial and people born with the business gene get great rewards that go way beyond the financial. It’s a privilege to be a business owner and to be able to meet a payroll and to have something you love so much that you work nights and weekends. It’s a privilege to see how people who work for you often work harder than you. For business people to presume that fellow business people deserve wildly great rewards hazards looking like a sense of entitlement, which is what we were trying to get away from in the first place.


Rick Johnson

Rick Johnson

October 1, 2012 — 8:45 PM

Business people like Mark Matson will be continue to be successful despite the obstacles.

Elmer Rich III

Elmer Rich III

October 1, 2012 — 8:51 PM

An outside observer could take away from this comment board that:

- Financial advisors are all conservative true- believers at one end of the political spectrum

- Balanced, diverse and different voices and ideas do not exist in the advisor industry/community

- Heated, defensive and fearful emotions, rather than logic and facts rule advisors social policy/political beliefs. That would be a shame.

- The main political beliefs of advisors track their financial benefits alone

- Clients, other professionals or even the general public that do not share the conservative values of advisors are not welcome nor tolerated

- Financial advisors, based on the next election will be in a shrinking minority of the voting public.

These are not private conversations but public, therefore professional, pronouncements. One view is that professional practices, public behavior and fiduciary behavior is that it is balanced, open, dispassionate, transparent and clear about commercial self-interest.

It is surprising to see them so one-sided and emotional. Clearly there are some emotional hot-buttons here, independent of the correctness or fact basis for the opinions.

Steve Smartt

Steve Smartt

October 1, 2012 — 9:39 PM

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke). The world needs more good men to stand up and be counted, not hide behind the fear of public perception. I support Mark’s stand – as well as Romneys – as well as the opportunity for all men to work hard in a free market environment and live with the results of their hard work.

John Sklenar

John Sklenar

October 1, 2012 — 9:56 PM

Obama has said for many years that our constitution is a flawed document. Isn’t that convenient for someone who wants to take away our individual freedoms (and our wealth). He can trash our constitution and violate his oath of office, and nationalize 16% of our economy; he will try more after the election. Matson is spot on.The most horrific fact about Obama is not that he believes in socialism; it’s that nearly 50% of our voters fall for his sales pitch.

Mark Witt

Mark Witt

October 1, 2012 — 10:13 PM

I have learned more from Mark Matson’s company in the last 2 years than I learned in the previous ten years from broker dealers I represented. Investing is not a game, it is serious business. Main Street investors lives are at stake. Wall Street would have you believe they can accurately predict the future and buy only the winners and avoid the losers. And they can “time the market” and tell you when to be “in” and when to be “out”. We can look at how Wall Street handled their own business in the last market crash to understand they definitely do not have the answers!

Politics aside, Mark Matson takes a stand against the Wall Street bullies who line their pockets with the hard earned money of Main Street investors. Matson Money’s strategy eliminates stock picking and market timing. It combines academic reasearch with discipline and prudence to deliver solid market rates of return. Matson is a voice of reason in the world of investing unlike most Wall Street players.

@ Elmer…your question about “investing science” is a good question. It is rooted in academic study for decades and contains much information from Nobel Prize winning economists. Remember three things 1- Own Equities 2- Diversify 3-Rebalance…sounds simple but most investors have a hard time with staying disciplined with these.

Greg Heaton

Greg Heaton

October 1, 2012 — 10:16 PM

This is a fantastic article! Mark’s taking a stand in support of us small business owner’s and entrepreneurs, nobody in Washington appears to care!



October 1, 2012 — 10:45 PM

I am sorry but there are 2 kinds of successful businessmen —- those that invent and build things from scratch — and those that make money off professional fees. If you build a business and provide for your family, that is great for you and those you employ and you are to be commended. But don’t then think you are so important in this world any more so than a hard-working teacher who makes 5% of what you do per year in income. That is the inequality Obama was referring to —- people in this thread seem to think they are entitled to great wealth just for working hard.

The true innovators are those that create tens of thousands of jobs by providing innovative new products that take hold.

Obamas speech so widely criticized was aimed at Mitt Romney —- who amassed great wealth by paying Bain (himself) massive fees charged to companies bought out. He is rich but he certainly isn’t to be put in the same camp as the people at Apple or Google — who truly invented great things that helped millions of people.

The bottom-line is that there are millions of extremely hard-working people out there —- someone who makes money on fee income is providing for themselves and employing some others and that is great —- but get over yourself.



October 1, 2012 — 11:09 PM

I think Mark Matson has a lot of guts to decide to publicize what he believes in at his core. Perhaps to some this would be concerning because they might “alienate” their clients, well from what I can tell Mark’s clients already know what he is about “before” they do business with him. If they don’t like him at that point then they will never become a client and if more business owners realized they could be more successful being honest and letting their clientele know what they really believe in they wouldn’t have to be scared little rabbits while running their businesses.

As for the two advisors that left and took their $20 million in assets, big deal, that is not much anyhow and everyone was better served by them them leaving. Here is the bottom line; our current administration is in over their heads, they don’t have a clue how business works and they have no idea on how to support it and help our economy grow. I have listened to the entire speech Obama gave on “you didn’t build that” and you can defend it all you want, but he is telling everyone that without the government business would be nothing. That is his belief and that is flat wrong, without business there would be no government. What everyone is missing is that business builds jobs and the economy, the government is supposed to support business and create a climate where business can thrive. Matson gets that!
Mike Evans

Mike Evans

October 1, 2012 — 11:20 PM

I echo Mark Matson’s personal posted comment. As usual, he succintly makes his point without politial pandering. It’s what I love about him! He tells it like it is and let’s the chips fall where they may. Hmmm… maybe that’s why he’s so successful.

Elmer Rich III

Elmer Rich III

October 2, 2012 — 12:20 AM

So: – On a public professional forum

- Our elected President and leader of the land by a majority

- Is labeled as “evil”

And not one commentator even demurs on this kind of hate speech.

What a shame for our industry.

John Shipley

John Shipley

October 2, 2012 — 12:43 AM

I’m with you Elmer. I found the comment comparing the events of today to Nazi Germany particularly sad.

I seldom comment because it seems pointless. Some people’s hatred of Obama’s policies, and him personally, are so out of proportion to what he’s actually done that I just don’t understand it. Seems like you have to not just disagree with his policies but really hate them, and him personally, to be part of the tribe.

Henry Flager

Henry Flager

October 2, 2012 — 12:43 AM

Wow, what a circle-jerk this comment thread turned out to be!

Lost in all of the praise for Mr. Matson, of course, is the fact that his entire “I built that!” campaign is built upon an intellectually dishonest representation of what Mr. Obama actually said.

Any fifth grader who has taken a grammar course would recognize that Mr. Obama never claimed that small business owners weren’t responsible for the success of their ventures; rather, his larger point—in context—was that American entrepreneurs derive benefit from the investments that all Americans have made in ensuring that we have the most advanced infrastructures on the planet. Our interstate highways, our telecommunications infrastructure, and (yes, government investment in) Arpanet (now known as “the internet”) have continued to ensure our leadership in the world and is unrivaled by any other nation on earth.

Yes, Mr. Matson…even you benefit from that. Your Facebook page wouldn’t exist without taxpayer investment that funded the development of Arpanet.

Now, we can all have respectful disagreements about what government policies help advance the interests of Americans and American small businesses, but basing an entire “campaign” around the mendacious assignment of the antecedent to a pronoun serves to simply continue debasing our political discourse to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Shame on you.

Of course, why investors expect that a well-respected “stalwart of the industry” would want to have an intellectually honest conversation without the mendacity?

After all, you know who else built that? Bernie Madoff.



October 2, 2012 — 1:06 AM


Paul Ryan stated it best in his convention speech. Democrats and those looking for the handouts they offer, want everything in this country to be free but the people themselves. We are on the road to serfdom where the masses are willing to give up their freedom just to have free things. In the end, everyone loses but those in power who lulled ignorant people into believing that government owes them everything. NOPE…NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

There are still too many good Americans who are not looking for handouts. They are looking for hand-ups so they can live the American dream and create their own future…and yes, even be rich. America is the land of opportunity for those who have a dream, work hard and make it into a reality. BARRY SANDERS, the guy parading around and calling himself BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, is just a big poser supported by SOCIALIST MILLIONARES seeking to enslave America by mobilizing the dumbest half of society. NOPE…NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

FREEDOM was fought and died for and I do not believe solid, constitution loving Americans are going to let BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA get away with this. He is the manchurian candidate for the Communist Party in America.

Harry Shepler

Harry Shepler

October 2, 2012 — 1:17 AM

I admire Mark Matson’s courage. He is true to his convictions, whether his advocacy of free markets, or politicians that enforce free markets. His use of social media is brilliant, and helps him project his business to like mined individuals that can use his help.



October 2, 2012 — 2:06 AM

We need more entrepreneurs grounded in reality, not textbook visions..



October 2, 2012 — 3:20 AM

Isn’t the newsworthiness of this article predicated on Mr. Obama’s statement being taken wholly in context? According to the Annenberg Public Policy Center, “t’s clear from the context what the president was talking about. He spoke of government — including government-funded education, infrastructure and research — assisting businesses to make what he called 'this unbelievable American system that we have.’” Lifted out of this context, the President’s words could understandably incite interested parties to defensive, angry, even unproductively argumentative words. Maybe that’s why this social media campaign is so interesting…Not because it is based in a hard-to-swallow truth about what our leader believes, but because it dislocates the truth to inspire the frothy 'debate’ we see here.


Brooke Southall

Brooke Southall

October 2, 2012 — 4:19 AM


We are a trade publication that ends up covering politics as it relates to our mission in covering this industry. Most of that mission is to let advisors know how other advisors advance or regress.

The truth, un-truth, dog whistle or no dog whistle of this Obama speech matter is well-worn turf and more suitable for general journalistic publications. Our readers are intelligent and well-read and I am sure their views are cemented into place on whether the words were intended as a slur against small business owners or not. We included the comment, in context, in the article.

The question of whether it is a wise and/or winning strategy for a big-time RIA to build a social media strategy based on statement taken from a political speech that many people have professed publicly was taken out of context is unpicked-over material and newsworthy for our audience.


P.S. As to why nobody stepped in when Obama was compared to Hitler, I’d like to think advisors simply chose not to dignify those kinds of remarks.

Ray Martin

Ray Martin

October 2, 2012 — 5:18 AM

Great article and YouTube Video! I respect Mark Matson for putting it all on the line. He’s in good company by the way… oh ya, there were a few small business guys not afraid to speak up. Let’s see, Steve Winn, John Elway, Woody Johnson [Jets owner], Donald Trump, Jack Welch to name a few. Mark, you are in good company, keep it up.

John Shipley

John Shipley

October 2, 2012 — 12:26 PM

Brooke – thanks for bringing this string of comments back to the focus of the article.

As to the Hitler comment, I didn’t see any comments besides mine that objected to it.

I’d like to agree with you that people just chose not to dignify it, However, based on so many comments that said it’s important to stand up for your beliefs one can only assume most people either agreed with the comment or just weren’t offended by it. Truly sad.

Omar Pereira

Omar Pereira

October 2, 2012 — 3:37 PM

I saw the Obama video that prompted Mark’s “I Built That” campaign, and I must agree with Henry that Obama’s point was that “American entrepreneurs derive benefit from the investments that all Americans have made in ensuring that we have the most advanced infrastructures on the planet.“ But I can easily understand why most would have tuned out after hearing “You didn’t built that!” That’s the power of communications for you and how something that you did not mean can easily stick in everyone’s mind.

Having said that, I cannot agree more with what Mark has done. First, he has taken a stand against those that believe that becoming successful is shameful (and there has been plenty of that kind of talk during this campaign, whether overtly or indirectly – even in this thread Don seemed to take that approach). Second, he has taken a stand when many prefer to remain “neutral”. I admire Mark for standing up for free markets and the benefits of entrepreneurship when many in this industry prefer to stay quiet in fear of offending a client (doing a disservice to their clients because their advice is more based on “what the client wants to hear”).

Don, I earn my living from charging professional fees, and I’m proud of it. So do countless accountants, lawyers, engineers, financial advisors, consultants, architects, and doctors. I contribute to fighting inequality by paying my share of taxes which help fund services for those that don’t have what I have, participating in charitable activities, and contributing to worthy causes. But if the government is going to try to “equalize” society, well, that’s what Marx proposed, and Lenin, Stalin and Mao tried, and IT DIDN’T WORK. Why do you state “don’t then think you are so important in this world any more so than a hard-working teacher who makes 5% of what you do per year in income“? Nobody in this thread, and much less Mark has even insinuated this. Do you truly believe most successful people think they are more important than anybody? I believe most that are didn’t become successful thinking that way (except maybe politicians).

Finally, it really bothers me that the discourse being promulgated by politicians from both parties has had the effect of polarizing American society into two camps: the haves and the have nots. We need to encourage and help others to become successful, not to denigrate, criticize, or envy those that have had success, and also stop the generalization that the ones that don’t have are there because they are lazy or just want a free ride with welfare. Some rich people are jerks who have gotten there stepping over everybody else, and some poor people are lazy and would rather take a check from the government than do any kind of work. I choose to believe that both cases are the minority.



October 2, 2012 — 4:05 PM

Great article. It’s inspiring to hear a story of success! My hats are off to all entrepreneurs that work hard and achieve success. That’s not something the government is going to give to you.

Elmer Rich III

Elmer Rich III

October 2, 2012 — 4:16 PM

The “not dignifying” the Hitler and evil comment perspective seems too passive and irresponsible.

In a public professional forum, all have the responsibility to stand up for probity, truth and, at least, respect for our elected leaders and institutions.

Disagreement is healthy. Strong disagreement is useful.

However, comparing the duly elected leader of our country to one of the most mentally disturbed and homicidal maniacs of of history is appalling. Not actively objecting is an absence of basic morality and professionalism. Simple.

Lying of any kind is clearly well outside of professional conduct. Misrepresentation is lying. Again, simple.

Elmer Rich III

Elmer Rich III

October 2, 2012 — 5:06 PM

Let’s move beyond sarcastic short videos and look at another, equally valid, set of views. These are from George Lakoff:

- “Democracy is based on citizens caring about and taking responsibility for all citizens, as well as for themselves. The American government is the instrument that the people use to guarantee protection and empowerment for all.

- We all, together, provide what is needed for a decent life. Individual accomplishment rests on what other Americans have provided. No one makes it without the rest of America. The private depends upon the public.

- Building the economy requires investment — in public infrastructure, education, research, and much more.

- Success is much more than money. It is your contribution to America as a whole — whether it is teaching, raising children, providing food, healing the sick, making useful products, guaranteeing our rights and out safety, or running businesses that make life better. America needs them all.

A number to remember: Most people may not be aware of it, but 96 percent of all Americans make use of what other citizens provide through our government: 96 percent of us have received tax deductions for mortgages, education, and dependent children, business subsidies, unemployment insurance, veterans’ benefits, as well as all the other benefits that we all enjoy because of what we give and have given each other.

This applies to almost all Americans, rich or not, Republican or Democrat. If your work contributed, or will contribute, to our country, you have earned, or will earn, whatever you have gotten. You are the 96 deserving percent. The other 4 percent are youngsters — to young to have benefited yet, but they will inevitably join the 96 percent soon.”

Bll Winterberg

Bll Winterberg

October 2, 2012 — 6:34 PM

I’m thankful that the waste management guys religiously pick up my trash on Tuesday and Friday and make it magically disappear, and that the chicken breast I’m going to cook tonight didn’t come from a farm next door to that same magical place.

Sometimes it’s the little things in life that matter the most.



October 2, 2012 — 7:41 PM

Limited government has a place. The private citizen, church or private organization is much better equipped to help a fellow neighbor and friend in need. Unfortunately with the government there is to much waste of tax payers money, to much red tape and bureaucracy for the government to be efficient. An individual can contribute to our community much better than the government can! I put my faith and trust in the individual and not in government.

John Shipley

John Shipley

October 2, 2012 — 7:48 PM

What Arlene said about private citizens, churches, etc being better equipped to help, and about government being wasteful is true. What I’ve come to realize, however, is that these government programs would not have been started in the first place if the private sector was effectively dealing with the problems.

Hank Parrott-Brentwood, Tn.

Hank Parrott-Brentwood, Tn.

October 2, 2012 — 8:20 PM

John, Do you really believe that our government only gets involved when there is some percieved ineffectiveness, or inefficiency? The amount of wasted tax dollars by our Federal government, if put into the private sector, or even into our state, county, and local municipal governments would by far more effectively help those who need the help and would provide far better services to a far greater number of people. Private citizens would then also have greater power in overseeing and assuring more efficient use of those tax dollars. When it comes to the Federal Government, Ronald Reagan said it best, “Government is not the solution to our problem, Government is the problem.”

John Shipley

John Shipley

October 2, 2012 — 8:30 PM

No I don’t believe that government only gets involved when there is some perceived need, and I didn’t say that. I was simply saying that there are some government programs that were started because there was a need that was not being met effectively by the private sector. One that comes to mind is Head Start. And, of course, there’s national defense. Don’t think that can be handled by the private sector.

I didn’t say government programs were well run. Just trying to provide a little balance and perspective to this thread.

I’m no big fan of government programs, but I do understand that are some areas where the private sector can’t do it by itself. Can’t agree with that statement by Reagan. So what did he want to do, get rid of our government?

Hank Parrott-Brentwood, Tn.

Hank Parrott-Brentwood, Tn.

October 2, 2012 — 9:18 PM

John, I agree with you about Defense…google the quote to find a youtube of Reagan giving the speech, he was speaking of specifice problems, which are many, not that government was totally unnecessary.
We probably agree more than disagree. I just think we need a much smaller government that concentrates on what we need from it, such as defense, and otherwise gets out of our lives.

Jeff Teach

Jeff Teach

October 2, 2012 — 9:37 PM

I feel the “Yep I Built this” was and is a great idea! We should celebrate and cheer on the entrepreneurial spirit of America! It’s what makes America a great place to live and thrive. There have been some incredible stories and some fantastic businesses being built out there. I applaud each and every one of them. Thanks Mark for starting the site. I was proud to participate, as I’m sure all were. You and your Dad, Joe Matson, are people we should all look up to as true entrepreneurs! Let the “Freemarkets” work and “Keep it Real”!!!! No more excuses and blaming by our leaderless politicians. As Paul Ryan says it’s time to correct things.

John Borger

John Borger

October 2, 2012 — 11:14 PM

National defense can’t be taken care of by the private sector? Really? Ever hear of Tony Stark?
Just trying to add some humor to this way too serious debate.

Mike Ringel

Mike Ringel

October 3, 2012 — 12:05 AM

Great Article about the vision of a true entrepreneur. What makes this country great is that we have the opportunity to build something from nothing…having a vision and making it come true…now, successful entrepreneurs, just like successful professionals pay TAX to the government which HIRES people that pay TAX to build the roads, bridges, infrastructure…etc that is vital to growth and protection of our free markets. Accordingly, Mark built his business, pays his taxes, employs great people who pay TAX that pay for this great country that gives us the unique opportunity to repeat the cycle!

Ric Cochran

Ric Cochran

October 3, 2012 — 2:34 AM

Last time I checked, it was and has been for a long time small businesses that have created the most new jobs in this country by a wide margin. Unlike employees who are promised payment for their time, the small business owner starting from scratch is guaranteed nothing even if he or she cashes in retirement money, paying penalty taxes for withdrawal if under age 59 1/2 in addition to regular income taxes, and risks having no retirement savings along with losing the family home and everything else trying to make the business succeed. Entrepreneurs often fail, lose it all and have to start over, repeatedly. Many take no money out of the businesses and live off of a spouse’s earnings or work a second job to keep from weighing down the payroll. When they succeed, they have done it at great personal financial risk and sacrifice. The jobs they create give to the community greater revenues in addition to services and opportunities and those revenues pay for roads, bridges, hospitals, and schools.

Entrepreneurs may not have laid the bricks in their enterprises or run the wires themselves, though sometimes they did, but they created something that needed bricks, wires, roads, bridges, teachers for the community for children who would become future employees and they paid taxes to pay for those things. Denying the sacrifice of these American heroes, these creators of opportunity is to show a complete disrespect and lack of understanding of what this country was founded on which was rugged individualism and not prissy paternalism.

In closing, let me say: I know Mark Matson; I work with Mark Matson; Mark Matson is a friend of mind; Barak Obama is no Mark Matson, which is a crying shame because this country needs a president who understands what small businesses mean to America. I’m proud that Mark has the courage to state his convictions while so-called experts say it’s “risky.” The founders of our country knew a lot about risk, risking their lives, their fortunes and sacred honor. This country was founded on risk, rewarded risk, and could one day be lost by punishing risk.

Douglas Guernsey

Douglas Guernsey

October 3, 2012 — 4:41 PM

There is nothing better for America than the encouragement of the entrepreneurial spirit. Men and women who take risks everyday to bring the products and services to the consumer is one of the freedoms that makes this country great. Mark understands this more than most.

The “Yep, I Built This” campaign is in NO WAY a risk to Mark Matson and Matson Money. NOT taking a stand for small business and entrepreneurs is the real risk and it is a risk to all small businesses, which reaches far beyond Matson Money!!! I just wish I thought about the idea before Zack!

Thanks Mark Matson for “Keeping it Real” and “Keeping Capitalism Cool”!!! You Rock!!!

Christy Gregory

Christy Gregory

October 3, 2012 — 4:45 PM

Thanks for the article. Mark is very straightforward and is a great spokesman for the small business owner and for prudent investing!

Eric Rothman

Eric Rothman

October 3, 2012 — 6:05 PM

Great article!

You sure did build that, Mark. May you continue to help save investors and empower advisors for many years to come.



October 3, 2012 — 7:21 PM

So many eloquent comments and discussions to support Free Markets. America is still the engine of the world because individuals are willing to risk everything for an idea, and the right to keep and grow what they build! Our U.S. constitution and capitalism are worth fighting for. We need leaders at every level who are willing to stand on the conviction that a free people, in a free market will always surpass what central planners in a big government could ever hope to do. Mark is unafraid to take that stand. Can’t say the same for the incumbent president, who prefers lies, duplicity, cowardice, and perfidiousness to keep his scheme alive. Oops, that almost sounded like those Wall Street bullies for a second!

Vincent Del Franco

Vincent Del Franco

October 5, 2012 — 11:52 PM

Execllent Article! And well thought out comments left me with very little to add.

All I can say is thank you and keep up the good work Mark and my fellow small business owners!

Mark Lund

Mark Lund

October 8, 2012 — 5:41 PM

I’m with Mark! Keep up the good work!



October 21, 2012 — 5:11 PM

Read Atlas shrugged ….if your intelligent enough to read it and understand it you understand why the Obama thought pattern and the socialist mind pattern our country has adopted is so dangerous.

John Shipley

John Shipley

October 21, 2012 — 8:35 PM

Hi Carla ,

Not sure why you directed this at me, with the thinly veiled insult to my intelligence.
I don’t know why you seem to think I’m a supporter of what you call “the Obama thought pattern and the socialist mind pattern”.

I have read Atlas Shrugged, as well as The Fountainhead. While I enjoyed both books and agreed with a lot of what she said, I never could understand how people could embrace some of her philosophy while ignoring her disdain for religion.

I got the books from one of my favorite socialist institutions, the public library. As you may know, the public library was created by one of my favorite socialists, Ben Frankiln. :-)

By the way, I think you meant to use 'you’re’, the contraction for you are, in your post rather than 'your’, the possessive. 'Your’ does not not make any sense as you used it. I appreciate it when people use proper grammar when trying to insult my intelligence.



October 21, 2012 — 9:28 PM


The comment was not directed at you and I do apologize if it came off that way. I was actually referring to the second or third comment down the list as it appeared on my phone.

Thank you for the grammar check, looks like autocorrect got me again. I discovered this page after seeing a Facebook link to a page “I built this” or some such idea. The truth is capitalism works but only in a pure sense. This hybrid system of capitalism and socialism doesn’t work. I am tired for paying for other people’s poor choices.

John Shipley

John Shipley

October 21, 2012 — 10:02 PM

Carla – No worries. I received an email from this website that indicated you’d responded to my comment. Must be a standard message they send whenever someone posts a comment on this thread.



November 27, 2012 — 7:24 AM

I feel that should speak out here too. There is no room for dishonest or dumb people to be involved in investing my money. The real idea of Obama’s 'you didn’t build that…’ was twisted and you are mislead. Not everyone who thinks the tea party stance is eternally stupid and narrow minded, as well as not based in data, is a left wing lib who is drinking the koolaid. I’m quite conservative myself but sure like rational thinking and facts to prevail, not mob thinking, whether it’s from the left or right. And when you intentionally mislead (or are too shallow a thinker to understand or want to understand aspects and ideas outside of your own echo chamber), you are not to be trusted with money.

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