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RIABiz turns six, with plans to keep riding an ever-swelling RIA wave

The Mill Valley, Calif.-based website strives for a new journalistic model, based on old-fashioned values, to cover an advice industry going through a parallel set of changes

Author Brooke Southall August 7, 2015 at 4:56 PM
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Brooke Southall: Our business cards, inert in their boxes, are still our main print product.

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Top Executive: Brooke Southall

Mike Wilson - Morningstar

Mike Wilson - Morningstar

August 7, 2015 — 6:26 PM


Congrats to you and everyone else on your team….

As one of your first Marketing partners I can say that I’ve followed you since the very beginning. Your stories have a different feel than other articles that are written about this space—-I’m not sure if it is the commentary at the beginning of each story (giving us a small look behind the curtain) or whether it is just your independent voice covering this “independent space”——but I appreciate it.

RIABiz continues to be a great complement to my daily morning coffee.

Congrats, Thanks, and Keep It Up.


Mike Wilson
-Morningstar Office

Steve Sanduski

Steve Sanduski

August 7, 2015 — 6:31 PM

Congrats Brooke to you and your team. Always enjoy the “peek behind the curtain” nature of your articles. The personality of the site is a nice balance between professional journalism and a friendly “you’re talking to me” vibe. Well done!
Steve Sanduski

Tim Welsh

Tim Welsh

August 7, 2015 — 6:39 PM

Congrats Brooke and Frank!

Can’t believe it has been 5 years since the big RIABiz bash in my backyard.

The grass is definitely greener!


Scott Grayson

Scott Grayson

August 7, 2015 — 6:59 PM

Congratulations to all at RIABiz!

My mailbox if typically full of snail mail industry periodicals, but RIABiz is one of my must reads daily. The articles are well written, timely and informative.

You have also attracted a high caliber audience as demonstrated by the thoughtful comments that frequently follow each article. I often revisit articles to see the updated comments.

Keep up the good work!


Scott MacKillop

Scott MacKillop

August 7, 2015 — 8:28 PM

Happy Birthday RIABiz. Keep up the good work, Brooke, and stick to the standards that have helped you grow into a thriving six-year-old.


Kevin Cimring

Kevin Cimring

August 7, 2015 — 10:45 PM

Congrats Brooke and team! Keep up the great work.

Jeff Spears

Jeff Spears

August 8, 2015 — 3:19 PM

I can’t believe you are already six years old. It seems just like yesterday that I was at your first birthday party. You have grown up so fast….

Your publication excels because of your journalistic integrity but more importantly because of your intelligent wit.
This post is a case in point!

“But in that hypothetical scenario, hanging on for dear life to Merck — the way some hold onto Merrill Lynch — would make no sense, even if Merck salespeople took a few medical courses and sold the occasional Pfizer product.”

I will definitely use your positioning in the conversations I have with Wall Street brokers.

THANK YOU and Happy Birthday!

Ani Chitaley

Ani Chitaley

August 8, 2015 — 6:20 PM

Brooke, RIABiz is adding tremendous value to the investment advisory industry! Your initiative and hard work is showing results by educating and keeping all of us informed, and aware of the rapid transformation taking place.

As the industry transforms and grows through innovation, it will start focusing more on performance, and less on marketing. The beneficiaries will be both the industry and the individual investors it serves.

Best Wishes to you as RIABiz continues to grow!

Ani Chitaley

April Rudin

April Rudin

August 9, 2015 — 7:22 PM

Happy birthday Brooke and RIABIZ! It is a huge entreneurial milestone! You have turned out well: creating conversation, stirring the pot has combined well with the most exciting time in history to be in wealth management!

Enjoyed past collaboration and look forward to the future. Where’s the party??

Stephen Winks

Stephen Winks

August 11, 2015 — 8:25 PM

Happy 6th.

Achieving commercial success in the new emerging advisory services industry, distinctly different from brokerage, is a coming of age story for the entire industry. Great work, great things to come.


Stephen Winks

brooke southall

brooke southall

August 13, 2015 — 9:06 PM

Mike, Steve, Tim, Scott G., Scott M., Kevin, Jeff, Ani, April and Stephen,

I can’t thank you enough for all these comments. I was trying to think what accomplishments are
associated with a six-years time period, maybe a PHd? Maybe I have my PHd in RIABizism along with Frank Noto. Of course we all know that a doctorate gets you nowhere except to a post-doc position.

I accept that nebulous self-bestowed promotion because it comes from a level of good-natured support from readers like you that I never saw coming when I started.

It more than makes the journey worthwhile.

In humble appreciation,


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