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As Goldman Sachs' badly kept secret about branding an advice robot leaks out, Goldman-watchers see contours of Lloyd Blankfein's grand if 'scattergun' virtual advice strategy take shape

The NYC investment bank's CEO may be saving the Goldman brand for last after smart beta ETFs, Honest Dollar, Motif and 'Marcus by Goldman Sachs' are up and running

Author By Lisa Shidler March 30, 2017 at 7:20 PM
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Lloyd Blankfein is channeling his inner Marcus to find a retail groove for Goldman Sachs.

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Stephen Winks

Stephen Winks

March 30, 2017 — 10:18 PM
Conventional brokerage is being fundamentally challenged from all perspectives in every way. These long term secular challenges will transform the industry on the basis of value added and cost in a reform adverse industry. It is the free market at work at its best fostering a far more robust value proposition clearly delineating the value being added in ways not palatable for conventional brokerage. The industry wins big by being reordered around the client. SCW

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